Your Guide To Drinking More Water
If there is anything that we might consider essential for our bodies to function properly, it is water. Without enough water, you are going to struggle to be healthy and to live as fully as you could, and you will find that your mood might be affected too. Simply put, those who drink plenty of water live longer and enjoy many other benefits too, so it really is something that you are going to want to be aware of as best as you can be. But how can you make sure that you are drinking enough water? Let’s look at the issue of water in general – why it’s important, how to drink more of it, and how to find good water to drink.
The Benefits
There are so many great reasons to drink more water. According to, it helps to lubricate your joints, to create better and healthier saliva, to deliver plenty of oxygen throughout the body to your vital organs and elsewhere. It is also important in keeping your skin healthy, and if you want to look your best then you will find that water is an essential component to your beauty regime. When you are dehydrated, your brain and other organs can be affected in their very structure, so drinking water avoids all that. It is also helpful in regulating body temperature, keeping the digestive system strong, and ensuring that your body can flush waste easily and regularly. Your blood pressure depends on it to be level, and you will have better heart health in later life if you drink plenty of it.
Clearly, drinking water is hugely helpful and useful, and something we should all try to do much more of. But how much water should you be drinking every day?
How Much?
There is something of a debate around the issue of how much water you should drink. People often get confused and cite one or other fact over another, and it is highly likely that you have heard a range of different ideas around how much water is necessary. However, the science is actually pretty unified on this front, and we can put it to bed forever more here and now. For men, the proposed amount of water you should drink every day is about 15 cups, or almost 4 litres. For women, it’s more like 3.5 litres. Of course, if you exercise a lot, you can increase this sufficiently. It is best to drink in small sips throughout the day to stay hydrated.
The Symptoms Of Dehydration
For many people, the symptoms of dehydration are clear and well-known, the most common being a headache. Most headaches are the result of dehydration, so if you have one you should always check whether you have drunk enough water. If not, start sipping. You might also notice dry skin over your body, or you could have trouble passing your stool (which might be too clumpy or hard). All of this is a sign that you should drink more water as a rule.
Finding Good Quality Water
It is not necessarily the case that the water you get from your home tap is going to be the best quality, which is why it’s a good idea to think about how to get hold of better quality water where necessary. However, we also don’t want to support the bottled water industry if we can help it, as that is mostly just a waste of plastic. If you want to improve the quality of your home water, the best way is by using a softener or filter – see for details on how that can help. You should therefore be able to get much better quality water in no time in your own home, and so enjoy even more benefits as a result.
How To Drink Enough Water Every Day
Now that we know the benefits of water, and the symptoms of not drinking water, as well as how to get good quality water, let’s think about the practicalities of making sure that you are really drinking enough water every day. The best way to do this is to carry a bottle of water around with you everywhere you go. You will find that you just start sipping without even having to think about it. Likewise, make a point of drinking water at certain points in the day, such as when you wake up or before bed. If you do these simple things, you will soon enjoy all of those water benefits.