Lifestyle,  Traditions

Why You Should Create a Mother’s Day Wish List for Your Family

How many Mother’s Days did you dream of a long relaxing bath or a thoughtful, sentimental gift, only to wake up to the reality – a burned breakfast and a last minute thank you note written on the back of one of your kids pieces of homework? I know it has happened to me! This is why you should create a Mother’s Day wish list for your family. Like it or not, they cannot read your mind, so creating a map of what you need from them on your day really helps them actually give you what you want. Ever since I began planning out my Mother’s Day, I have been much more satisfied with the outcome of the day. And my wish list isn’t even anything crazy. I consider it the moms essential list of all things moms need – but rarely get. Let me share my wish list for Mother’s Day, and maybe you will decide this is right for you, too!

Sleep in as late as I want

This might seem obvious, but I have to add it to my list. I am usually the first one awake on weekends, and even if I am awake, I don’t want to get out of bed on Mother’s Day until I feel like it. So let me sleep!

Wake up to coffee and a bagel

My favorite breakfast is…. a Starbucks espresso and a chonga bagel. Maybe it’s simple, maybe it’s boring… but it is really the only thing I want for breakfast and I rarely treat myself to the bagel so it is just what I crave. So please – forget the messy, huge, and overly sweet breakfast you think I want, and just surprise me with a not-so-surprising coffee and bagel, waiting for me at home – just like I like it.

Photo by Dmitry Schemelev on Unsplash

Have an afternoon to shop alone

Sure I get to shop sometimes, with a kid or three in tow. And I get through a few aisles before one of the kids poops or starts crying for a cookie, but I don’t get to linger a little too long in the shoe aisle for myself. For Mother’s Day, please keep the crazy beasts at home and let me just leave the house for a while and shop quietly without one of the little bosses tagging along. Who knows, I might even sneak in a pedicure or a haircut – alone!

Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Receive a homemade gift from my husband and kids

Ok, I know so far this day has been all about me – shocker – but there is something I really want from you (my husband and kids). I do really want a homemade gift. But I don’t expect you (my husband) to comb through Pinterest for hours and hours sifting through all the amazing and wonderful homemade Mother’s Day gifts to find just the right one for me. Instead, I’ll show you exactly what I want, photo included, and let you have at it. You might even have some fun!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Eat a homemade meal that I didn’t make

After all that sleep, my favorite coffee, that glorious alone time out of the house and coming home to the sweet handmade gift that I picked out for you to make, what more could I ask for? A homemade meal is what – and one that I didn’t have to make. I’ll take spaghetti – or macaroni or grilled ribs if that’s what my husband wants to make. Just make it for me, then clean the mess, and let me enjoy the fruits of your labor. (But if your up for it, I would love seafood and wine!)

Photo by Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash

That’s it. That’s what I want for Mother’s Day every year. A few simple necessities that make my day easy and happy. And I have to problem telling my family exactly what I want, because I know they don’t always know, but that they are willing to do it because they love me and love seeing me happy. And I love that it is the one day of the year I really can determine exactly what I want – and get it! That is why you should create a Mother’s Day wish list for your family; so that you can enjoy your special day and your family will have the map to make it happen!

Happy Mother’s Day!!

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