The Best Mess-Free Educational Toys on Amazon
All of my kids really enjoyed having a variety of busy activities when they were toddlers and preschoolers. Having a variety of educational busy activities helps keep the boredom at bay and their little brains hard at work. However, I am not a big fan of messy toys so I have done some research and found some of the best, mess-free educational toys you can order on Amazon. These are all affordable, easy to pick up (the little ones can clean themselves) and wont damage anything if spilled.

Not only do I keep a variety of busy activities in the home, but I keep them stored away so that when I pull them out they are more exciting for my kids. I take them out of whatever box or bag they come in and instead I keep them in plastic bins so they are easy to clean up and store. When its time for the busy bins to come out, I put a few on the table and let the kids go from station to station. This can keep my 3 year old entertained for at least a couple hours at a time!

You don’t want to take all the busy bins out at the same time, try to mix it up and bring out 3-4 activities each time. Something sensory, something that uses motor skills, and something that allows for open-ended building or creating.

Kinetic sand is almost always an option on the table, it is Arlo’s favorite activity and you can add different things into the bin to make playtime more fun! This is usually our go-to sensory option.

Arlo also really enjoys activities that involve pinching and scooping (as do most toddlers and preschoolers) so having a variety of tools and things to use them on is always fun for them. These activities fullfill the motor skills option.

Finally, I like to have something that allows for open-ended building or creating on the table. This little light set is super fun for open-ended building. You can create shapes, sort colors, and use your imagination!

I usually put the busy bins out for a couple hours per day when Arlo is restless and needs something new to entertain himself. I have put together a list of all our favorite mess-free educational toys from Amazon to help you shop for your kids!
Check out this post on Creating an Organized Montessori Playroom!
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Laura Schwormstedt
Wow these are some great ideas and toys -we all love our kids to get creative and learn in the process but I personally am not a fan of mess so these are fantastic
Laura x
The educational toys are great for gifts.
Thanks for sharing, My niece’s birthday is coming up.
Great gift ideas for kids!! Educational, unique, and affordable!
Thanks for sharing these great finds. Educational toys are really worth buying compared to the junk you find these days!
Oooo I haven’t seen some of these yet! I’m gonna shop!!
I love that al of these can be found on a amazon, makes it so easy to shop!
Jasmine M
These toys are perfect for children! I feel like a lot of parents would LOVE these toys. They’re fun and educational, but they don’t require a lot of time as well as effort to pick up and put away.
I’ve been looking for some new toy ideas, thanks so much!!
As much as we want to give our kids total freedom, who would want a mess? These toys are great!
Ashley Rice
What fun toys! I remember something like the Light Brite board when I was younger. I LOVED it!
Wow! I’ve been looking for some toys like this. These are perfect!
I actually had something similar with the Lite Bright when I was only a few years old. I still remember creating so many different designs with it, at my grandma’s house.
Dana Brillante-Peller
This is awesome. I loved educational toys when our boys were younger.
Sophia Damasceno
I don’t have children but this is so cute. I can see why these are great toys. Love it!
Annemarie LeBlanc
I’d love to get that kinetic sand for my grandchildren. I love that it will spark their creativity and also help develop their fine motor skills. Great suggestions for educational mess free toys!
Kids these days are so lucky to have these mess-free and very educational toys. Im sharing this to all my mommy friends!!
These look like amazing toys! I’m definitely ordering a few for this coming Christmas. My Kids would really enjoy these for sure!
Interesting toys for kids! I am always search for innovative toys for my son. Love the Little light set I might just order that!
I am always searching for best educational toys to buy for my toddlers but a couple of these I haven’t seen before! Thanks so much for the awesome list!
I remember Lite Brite! I loved that thing when I was kid. These are all super suggestions, and now I have some great ideas for holiday gifts for my friends with young children. Thank you for sharing!
Educational games are my go-to every time i want to buy a gift. I will for sure check these ones out for my nephew’s bday.