The 5 Best Holiday Party Games
When you host a holiday party, its essential that you have good food, good drinks, and good games. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with great party game ideas, but thankfully I have come up with a few favorites for you! I like to play a variety of games at my holiday parties, including organized bigger games such as the plastic wrap ball game, unwrap the present with mittens game, and holiday trivia, but I also organize some quicker “minute to win it games” that are fun and easy for people to play throughout the party. When you host your next holiday party, be sure to check out this list of the top 5 best holiday party games.
1. Plastic Wrap Ball Game
How to Play: You will need a set of dice. First, select the starting player, you can do this by whoever rolls highest or another method of your choosing. To play, simply begin trying to unwrap the ball. The player to your left will roll both dice until they roll doubles. Once they roll doubles the ball is passed to them and the dice passed to the left (clockwise). It can be difficult to find the edge of each piece of wrapping paper, and you may not be able to find it in your turn. Be careful, if you rip the plastic at all your turn is instantly up and the ball passes clockwise to the next player. Also, when the player to your left rolls doubles you must pass immediately, even if you are about to unwrap goodies. Continuing to unwrap past your turn limit will cause you to be passed on the next round! This continues until the entire ball has been unwrapped and all the prizes claimed. You can check out this post for a more detailed explanation of how to create a plastic wrap ball!

2. Unwrap the Gift with Mittens
How to Play: You need to wrap a gift in a box 10 or more times and have a set of mittens and 2 dice. Have players gather in a circle, establish the first player by rolling the dice. Highest roller goes first. The first player must attempt to unwrap the present with both mittens on while the player to their left rolls the dice. As soon as they roll doubles the present and dice is passed clockwise. Each player attempts to unwrap the gift until their turn is over and they must pass the gift. The player who opens the final layer of wrapping is declared winner and wins the prize.

3. Holiday Trivia
How to Play: Have your guests gather in groups of 3-5 depending on the size of the party. I like to have 4-5 teams competing in trivia. Hand each team a copy of my holiday trivia and then as the quiz master, you will read each question aloud and give them 1-2 minutes to answer each question. At the end of the game have them swap with another team and correct as you go over the answers. The team with the most points wins. If there is a tie, be prepared to host a tie breaker question where the first to answer correctly wins the game. Check out my free holiday trivia printable game!

4. Candy Cane Pick Up
How to Play: Place a pile of candy canes on a table and a bowl next to them. Set a one minute timer. Whoever gets the most candy canes hooked and dumped into the bowl in under one minute wins! No hands allowed.

5. Marshmallow Chopstick Challenge
How to Play: Place a big pile of mini marshmallows on a table. Give each player a set of chopsticks and set the timer for one minute. Whoever gets the most marshmallows in their dish using only chopsticks in under one minute wins!

I hope you enjoyed this post and have fun at your next party playing these awesome games!

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The 5 Best Holiday Party Games
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Eileen M Loya
These all look like fun games! I think the one where you have to open a gift with mittens would be hilarious. The Marshmallow Chopstick game sounds good too. Just do not invite any Asian (me!) to the party. We will win it hands down.
I never played any of these games but these all look amazing!! I am bookmarking this post because holidays are over but I will definitely be trying these in our upcoming holidays!
I love playing games at family gatherings. My family can be quite competitive too, so it’s really so fun! I will keep some of these games in mind for the next party we have. Yey!
Awwww I should have read this last month. It would have been a more fun christmas party. I am 100% sure that Id ace the marshmallow and chopsticks game lol. I’ll try this next year!
So many fun holiday games. I cant wait to do these at my next holiday function 🙂
Kathy Kenny Ngo
I love these games. It would be really fun to try these the next holiday season.
I used to play the Candy Cane Pick Up game, It was awesome.
Thanks for the wonderful game ideas.
Maartje van Sandwijk
These sound like such fun games! Especially the candy cane one :)))
I haven’t played any of these games. These do sound fun through! I’ll try these out next year x
Candy Cane pickup has been a tradition in my house for years now. It is always great for laughs and friendly competition! I can’t wait to try out some of these other games next year!
Rose Ann Sales
Marshmallow and chopsticks challenge sounds fun and a little easier. All these games actually. So sad I haven’t read it before the holidays.. 😢 I could have suggested it to my in laws..
Owen G
Nice practical fun. I like more traditional games as it helps keeps the kids away from devices.
These look like a lot of fun, I’ll certainly be taking on a few this year. The mittens game looks like a lot of laughs!