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Organizing a Small Farmhouse Kitchen

Organizing my kitchen is something I both love to do and must always have done in order to have a functioning home. Having three kids and a busy life means it can be chaotic in our home. I like to keep the kitchen extra organized to keep the chaos to a minimum in a space we use often. We recently renovated our kitchen and changed cabinets, counters, and pretty much everything about our kitchen including removing a bulky pantry to add open shelving. The pantry moved into our coat closet and everything else had to shuffle around our medium sized kitchen to its perfect spot in order to be completely and correctly organized. Here is a look at my farmhouse kitchen drawers and cupboards organized for our family.

Lower Kitchen Cabinet & Drawer Organization

To the right of the fridge I have several drawers, the first of which is a utility drawer with medicine, first aid, office supplies, and miscellaneous items. I also have a couple Ziploc bags, which continues over to the next drawer where I keep the foil, more bags, and plastic wrap.

Below that drawer is the baking cabinet, holding all the roasting and baking pans. They stack in this space by size. It makes it easy to find and grab the baking tray that I need since they are arranged by type and size.

Below the plastic bag drawer is a few more drawers holding small size kitchen items, including towels, gadgets, and Tupperware lids.

The second drawer holds our kitchen towels, drying mats, and hand mitts, easily accessible for use in the kitchen.

The third drawer holds medium size kitchen gadgets, divided by these plastic kitchen organizers. These organizers have so many uses, you could really get detailed about your organizing by using these throughout the kitchen in various sizes and shapes. In this drawer, the far left organizer holds misc small kitchen utensil and gadget items, the middle organizer holds all the baking utensils, and the right holds my immersion blender. These are items I don’t need often, so they don’t reside in the main utensil drawer. These items are too small to be loose in the cabinets and too large to be placed anywhere else.

The bottom most drawer holds all the lids to Pyrex and Tupperware. This is the most effective way I have found to store lids without them spilling all over cabinets. If there are too many for the drawer, its time to let some go!

To the left of the stove is a corner cabinet with a lazy Susan built in, and a small cabinet with a divider.

The corner cabinet has all the prep bowls on the top and all the Tupperware on the bottom. Since it spins its easy to get to the piece I need quickly, and since I use prep bows and Tupperware for pretty much every meal, I wanted to have them here for quick access. The ability to stack them here work well, too.

The skinny divided cabinet holds all the baking trays on the left and all the cutting boards on the right. This is the perfect spot for these tall and thin items that are used often in the kitchen. Just above that cabinet is a small drawer where I store longer utensils such as roasting sticks, and other awkward but long and skinny misc items like syrup pumps.

To the right of the stove are the largest cabinets in the kitchen, where I store medium and large kitchen electrics, serving dishes, Pyrex, and glass lids.

Above this cabinet is the utensil drawer and small kitchen gadgets drawer. These are items we use daily, and are organized with drawer organizers and divided by use and type.

Finally, to the far right is a large cabinet holding all the serving bowls and platters, as well as the Pyrex. It made sense to have these items in the far right cabinet closest to the dining table where these would get used for preparing and serving meals. The counter space here is where we most often prepare meals, since it is the largest aside from the island.

Kitchen Counter Organization

Above the sink I’ve hung a rack to hold the pots and pans to free up the our limited cabinet space.

On top of the counter I keep small crocks with wooden spoons and cooking utensils next to the stove, since these are used often and too large to store in the drawers in the kitchen.

Upper Kitchen Cabinet Organization

Next to the fridge is a cabinet with our cups and plastic dishes for the kids. It made sense to have the cups closest to the fridge, where we get water and drinks from multiple times per day. The corner cabinet with the glass door holds all the extra glasses, such as wine and champagne glasses and various glass vases.

Between these two cabinets I store open chips, crackers, cereal and other small snacks in our mini pantry. This space is organized with several plastic containers, labeled according to what they hold. You can see a more detailed post on organizing a small kitchen pantry here. The rest of our pantry goods are stores in a large hall closet that has been converted into a pantry. The items in this pantry are the items we have open, and use most frequently.

To the left and right of the microwave the cabinets hold various baking and cooking spices, sauces, and small cooking and baking essentials. The smaller cabinet to the left of the microwave holds the baking items, and the other cabinet holds the cooking items.

Finally, to the far right of the upper kitchen cabinets we installed open shelving, and this is where we hold our everyday plates and bowls. This made sense for the plates and bowls because this space is the closest to the dining table, and these items are used multiple times per day. These also didn’t need to be stored inside a cupboard because they are used so often they don’t have a chance to get dusty, and the white dishes looks beautiful displayed here with my farmhouse decor pieces.

Every so often I organize a space in the kitchen even more with kitchen organizers and dividers, to continue to make this space as organized and usable as possible. Organization is an ongoing process, but having a good start, especially in a high-use are like the kitchen, is a must!

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