It’s Time You See the World a Different Way
Traveling is a fantastic way for you to meet new people, have new experiences, and get some perspective on how you live your life. But while the backpacker lifestyle has been fashionable for a long time, it’s not the only way for you to jet set from one country to another and back around again.
Instead, how about seeing the world a different way? There’s more to the travel lifestyle than slumming it through hostels living out of a backpack. And while there’s nothing wrong with that – it’s popular for a reason – but the track is heavily trodden, so maybe it’s time to try another route.
On the Open Seas
Cruises are often considered a luxury way to travel, and for most cruise ships, that’s pretty much spot on. However, resources such as can help you find a suitable trip for you to explore the world by sailing the seven seas.
There’s something liberating about being on the water rather than stuck in a stuffy airplane cabin. While it may take a little longer to get from A to B, there is plenty to do onboard a cruise. You see places you wouldn’t typically find on the tourist trail, and because it’s suitable for the whole family, you can take your kids if you missed out on travel during your youth.
Born to Be Wild
Another way to see the world differently is to take a road trip. Most countries may allow you to rent or even purchase a car, motorbike, or scooter so you can travel through the country at your own pace and only stopping when you feel like it.
Taking your own transport through your destination allows you to see things slightly off the tourist trail. It also gives you more freedom about where you go and when you go there. You are no longer restricted to bus timetables, and if you feel you could stay a little longer in one place, you’re free to do so. The only thing you’ll need to worry about is filling up the gas tank and finding a place to sleep between towns.
Earning a Living
Many globetrotters now decide that they want to work while they travel the world. Enthusiastic backpackers can take on volunteer work in hostels, where they can have a bed for free in return to bar work, cleaning, or working in the kitchen. Through this, you’ll meet new people in a continuously rotating door of faces.
This isn’t the only way to earn a living, though. Workaway programs will drop you into more authentic and real places such as local farms or nannying for families. Here, you’ll get to see how people really live, and you have the opportunity to separate yourself from the backpacker trail which, while enjoyable, can be exhausting after a while.
Seeing the World
There are a lot of benefits to following where others have gone before. It can help you bond with fellow travelers along your journey, and you can share experiences that you’ve both had. However, no one goes traveling to brag to others, and you can find plenty of unique experiences by exploring the world a different way.