Infertility – When You Can’t Wait Much Longer
So you are where it’s at in your career, you are respected as a high achiever, and suddenly you are in your happy place workwise.
The partner of your dreams came along at just the right time, and you’ve bought the house and are nicely settled. There is only one more piece of life’s jigsaw to put into place.
But just as everything that has gone before has slotted in perfectly, this last thing, that should occur so naturally and so easily has eluded you for far too long.
Yes of course, you are ready to have a baby, but nature is not playing nicely and you are beginning to get just a little preoccupied with the inevitable monthly disappointment.
Not to mention of course, well meaning family and friends who regularly ‘wonder’ when there might be a baby shower on the horizon.
Yes it’s true, back in the day, after many years of trying for a baby, if a child wasn’t conceived in the normal way, then unless you were prepared to adopt, there really was no alternative but to remain childless.
But thankfully today, there is so much help for couples who are struggling to have a child in the conventional way, and the problem is far more common than you might imagine.
One out of every 6 couples in the USA experience fertility problems, and so it makes sense, whatever your age or circumstances, to seek help and advice as soon as possible.
Of course the adoption route is still available, and in extreme cases is the only option, but alongside of this, there are many other possibilities open to you.
Once your physician has identified what the cause of your infertility may be, if the issue should be with your eggs, then you may wish to consider using the services of an egg donor candidate.
Some women who have been unable to become pregnant via IVF, can sometimes use donor eggs, which are harvested from healthy young women, who have made an informed decision to help a couple realise their dream of having a healthy baby.
Whatever way you look at it, couples should research thoroughly before making any decisions about the way they wish to have a child. What is right for one couple, might not be right for another, and equally, there is no right, or wrong way.
You have to consider your time frames and financial resources. But one thing is for sure, it won’t be a quick process, you have to have a lot of patience to achieve the best outcome for you.
There could be much heartache along the way, as well as some tearful disappointments, but usually even in the most complex of infertility cases, something can be done to find that missing piece of your personal jigsaw.
Don’t ever give up hope, talk to people in a similar situation, read up on success stories, and don’t leave it too long before you seek professional advice. It’s never too soon.