How To Welcome A Puppy Into Your Home
Whenever you bring a pet into your home, you are welcoming a new member of your family. Your four-legged friend will bring a lot of joy, laughter, and happiness along with them. They will also treat you with loyalty and kindness, no matter what you may be dealing with. However, puppies are far more than a Christmas gift or something you can focus on for a few days before carrying on as usual. They require a lot of love, attention, and care. Therefore, it is essential that you are suitably prepared to welcome them into your home. Here’s how!
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Get the whole family on board.
A pet is a joint responsibility, and everyone in the family must play a part in taking care of them. This includes your children – especially if they were the ones that begged you for a puppy in the first place. Therefore, before you get a puppy you should have a conversation with them about who is responsible for what.
For example, you could put together a schedule for feeding and walking the puppy. This is a great way to help your children understand that they have a role to play, and develop a sense of responsibility that they can carry into adulthood.
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Adopt, don’t shop.
When picking up your puppy, try to adopt a puppy from a local shelter whenever possible. This is because many breeders are unethical, and don’t properly look after the animals that are in their care. Often, when an animal is adopted from a breeder such as this, they face numerous health struggles in their later life, and many do not reach adulthood. This would obviously be extremely distressing for all involved. By adopting from a shelter, you are working to protect animals and ensuring that you take in a pet who really needs it. You are also helping to end unethical practices.
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Get prepared.
Before you pick up your puppy, you need to ensure your home is ready to welcome them. To begin with, this means that you have to accept that sometimes, your home will be a little bit messy. They may have an accident, or scratch your furniture (though training can help combat these issues).
You also need to ensure you have everything you need on hand to take care of them. That means you’ll likely need to buy a few supplies. This includes:
- A dog bed
- Bedding
- Toilet training sheets
- Dog food (such as Purina one)
- Dog treats
- A food bowl
- A water bowl
- A puppy carrier/crate (for vet visits and car journeys)
- A lead
- A collar (with your contact details included)
- A car harness
- Poo bags
- Dog brush
- Dog Shampoo
- Dog toys
Though the above list may seem extensive, they will help your pet settle easily into your home and ensure they have everything they need. Many of the items can be bought at local stores without breaking the bank. You may also want to read some books about caring for puppies, or search online for guidance. This is especially important if you have never owned a puppy before, as it gives you a clear idea of what to expect, especially if your pet is on the naughtier side!
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When you first welcome your puppy into your home, they may be feeling overwhelmed. They are in a new place and surrounded by people they don’t know. They may also be away from their mother for the first time, so it is important that you don’t overwhelm them. Give them some space and allow them to acclimatize. Be gentle, and try not to make any loud noises. Over time, they will begin to feel more comfortable around you and your family.
Once they have settled into your home, you can begin to train them. Ideally, you should train puppies between the ages of 8-12 weeks, as this is the best time for them to learn. However, it is important that you know exactly how to train your puppy to get the best results. This probably means signing them up for puppy classes, where an expert can provide you with all the guidance you need. Whether you want to house train them, or teach them some impressive tricks you are sure to see results in no time.
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Once your puppy is trained, you’ll be surprised at how quickly they settle into your routine. They will eagerly await your return from work or school, enjoy going on long walks or cuddling in the evening. However, the most important thing you can do as you move forward is to continue treating them with the same kindness you showed them when they first arrived. Though the excitement of having a dog may die down a little, it does not mean you should value them any less.
Make sure you are providing them with everything they need. Take them for a walk at least once a day, even if it is only a short stroll. This is a good way to ensure that you get moving too, especially during the winter when going outside seems less appealing. Give them plenty of treats too!
If you travel frequently, you should also ensure that you do not leave them alone for long periods of time. Drop them off with a pup-friendly relative or neighbor, or take them to a ‘doggy day care’ facility. This is far kinder than leaving them alone and having someone check in on them, as it combats loneliness and can lessen their anxiety. Be sure to bring them plenty of treats back from your trip too!
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Pay attention.
Your puppy may instantly become part of your family, but they won’t be around forever. Therefore, it is important you do what you can to take care of them. This means they can live a long and happy life by your side.
Make sure you register them at a local veterinary practice, so that they can get their injections and attend regular check ups. If possible, you should get pet insurance to help cover any unexpected costs. Though it may seem expensive, it is cheaper than paying for treatment outright.
One way in which you can take better care of your dog is to pay attention to their dental hygiene. You can do this by arranging for them to have their teeth cleaned/brushed regularly, to prevent a build up plaque. You can also buy specialist dog treats that help treat their gums and teeth, and can also fight bad breath.
Additionally, you should always pay close attention to your dog’s behavior and appearance. That way, you will be able to spot any changes, no matter how subtle they may be. Common symptoms of sickness in dogs includes:
- Loss of appetite
- Shedding fur
- Sneezing/Coughing
- Excessive thirst
- Excessive urination, or difficulty urinating
- Vomiting or nausea
- Lethargy or sleeping more than usual
- Not sleeping enough
- Sudden weight loss
- Sudden weight gain
- Unexpected changes in mood (often moving from happy to angry in seconds, without real cause)
- Irritability (socializing less frequently,
- Swollen, red or inflamed gums
This is the perfect way to manage their health and ensure you are taking care of them properly. Spotting an issue sooner rather than later gives you more of an opportunity to find a resolution and begin treatment.
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Make memories
As mentioned before, our four legged friends aren’t with us forever, therefore it is important that you provide them with as many happy memories as you can. Take them on family trips, or for long walks on the beach. Take plenty of photographs so that you have something to look back on in the future.