How To Make Outdoor Eating More Pleasurable
When it comes to outdoor living, there aren’t many better options than eating outside. Al fresco, as it’s known, can impact everything from your heart rate to blood pressure and stress hormones. Plus, you’ve got the extra vitamin D that comes with spending more time in the sun.
However, it’s not all picnics and rainbows. There are pitfalls to eating outdoors that can take the edge off the event. If you’re the sort of person who isn’t keen on going al fresco (#controversial), there’s no reason to dismiss it out of hand.
Here are four excellent ways to make it bearable and pleasurable.
Soak Up The Sun (Lotion)
You shouldn’t be spending extended periods in the sun without the necessary protection. Even if you don’t burn, the UV rays can cause damage that leads to cells to mutate. Of course, if you’re fair-skinned, the last thing you want to do is sit in the garden and stew. It’s not nice when you’re worried about the impact the temperature will have on your body. Regularly reapplying lotion should provide enough protection, as should covering up with light, breathable fabrics. A shawl is a perfect example.
Tackle Pests
Another frustration for lots of people is pests. Flies and moths whizz around without a care in the world, waiting for you to lose focus. Once you do, they swoop and land on your food and drinks, trying to consume as many free calories as possible. Let’s be frank – it’s unhygienic. Also, it’s hard work when you’re always swatting away pests. The good news is that home tools work outdoors, too. You can try a kitchen moth trap in your garden, or a fly electrocutor with bright lights. For the gardeners among you, some natural plants and flowers keep pests out of your business!
Tweak The Menu
The food is a massive part of eating outside. Unfortunately, as soon as it leaves the safety of the kitchen, it starts to lose heat. Nobody wants cold meat and vegetables, which is why it’s worth tweaking the dishes to make them more palatable. Salad components are very handy as they taste better cold, as are meats such as turkey and chicken. You can attempt to keep the dishes warm with plate heaters, yet you should be aware that it’s an extra hassle. If you’re searching for a straightforward experience, foods that aren’t fussy are essential.
Don’t Do It Alone
Food is always better with friends and loved ones, so why not invite them round for a BBQ or dinner party? The great thing about eating outdoors is that you can distance socially without much effort. All you have to do is arrange the furniture so that it is six feet between people who aren’t in bubbles. You can still laugh and joke and enjoy each other’s company without actually touching, and it’s more fun than doing it remotely via a laptop or tablet.
Don’t these tips make outside eating sound enjoyable? Why not give them a try?