How the Clothes You Wear Can Completely Change the Course of Your Day
We’ve all heard of saying such as “clothes maketh the man,” but, on an everyday basis, it might be easy to lose track of just how significant the clothes you wear really can be in terms of shaping your mood, perceptions, and life.
When you’ve got a stand-up selection of T shirts to choose from that are just perfect for a particular occasion; or when you’re wearing a sharp suit for a job interview, things just feel different – and situations are likely to play out differently.
Here are a few ways in which the clothes you wear can completely change the course of your day.
By boosting your confidence, right out the gate
Confidence is something that virtually all of us want more of – and no matter how generally self-assured you might be, it’s almost inevitable that there have been, or will be, times in your life when you’ve doubted yourself and your potential.
Wearing the right clothes can give you an instant confidence boost, all other factors aside. If you look in the mirror and think “Wow, I’m looking sharp,” then that can serve as an excellent starting point for motivating yourself to do things that you’d otherwise been nervous about doing.
Sure, in these situations your outfit won’t grant you an infinite and limitless supply of confidence, but it can certainly make a significant impact.
By getting you mentally adjusted for a particular “role”
In life, we all have to wear many different hats, and adjust ourselves to many different roles, from day-to-day.
One of the major ways of quickly and effectively shifting your mindset from one “mode” to another, is to wear appropriate clothing for the context you find yourself in.
One lesson that many new work-from-home entrepreneurs quickly learn, is that it pays to “dress professionally,” even when you could get away with wearing your pyjamas all day.
Among other things, that’s because dressing in a way that matches the role you want to embody can really help to prime you, mentally, for focus and success.
By helping you to add a bit more structure to your day in general
In order to get anything done, we all need to be able to exert some degree of control and structure on our time.
To that end, there are many little rituals that we may turn to in order to “get us into the zone,” in a hurry. Some professional athletes will have a particular lucky token that they take onto the field with them, whereas most of us have a certain morning routine that we use in order to get us ready for work and the day ahead.
As the clothes we wear always have some kind of psychological significance, choosing the right outfit at the right time can be a great way of imposing a framework on your day in order to help maximise your productivity as a whole.