Holiday Trivia Party Game with Free Printables
One of my favorite games to play is trivia. Its moderately difficult but very fun to see what you and a team of friends can answer when you put your heads together. For holiday parties, trivia is a great way to get your guests to team up and put their holiday knowledge to the test. I created this fun holiday trivia printable that you can use for your holiday parties and test your friends holiday knowledge.

How to Play:
Have your guests gather in groups of 3-5 depending on the size of the party. I like to have 4-5 teams competing in trivia. Hand each team a copy of my holiday trivia and then as the quiz master, you will read each question aloud and give them 1-2 minutes to answer each question. At the end of the game have them swap with another team and correct as you go over the answers. The team with the most points wins. If there is a tie, be prepared to host a tie breaker question where the first to answer correctly wins the game.
Click here to download the free holiday trivia and answer key printables!
Fun facts about trivia: The singular form of trivia is trivium. Trivia is actually plural! The term trivia that we all think of today actually dates all the way back to 1589. At that time it was just code for insignificant pieces of information – and it was really only interesting to a few very educated people.
Not until the 20th century did we actually begin to associate trivia with random factoids like we do today. British aphorist Logan Pearsall Smith wrote a book, Trivialities: Bits of Information of Little Consequence, in 1902 (but not popular until 1918) where we have the first recorded use of the the term trivia used in the way that we associate the word today.
However, in the 1950s Trivia as we think of it today because much more popular thanks to quiz shows such as Dotto, The $64,000 Question, and Twenty One. Yet after trivia gameshows left the air in the late 1950s, trivia was still popular. The book Trivia by Ed Goodgold and Dan Carlinsky became a bestseller, and the game Trivial Pursuit launched in 1982 – selling over 100 million copies to this day. It has been played by an estimated 1 billion people worldwide!
Trivia is such a popular game, so this free trivia printable is sure to be super fun at your next holiday party. Just think of all the fun your friends will have competing for who really knows the most about the holidays. There is so much to learn from playing Trivia with friends!

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Sounds like such great games! Wish I’d known about it before the holidays this year. Next year for sure!!
This sounds like so much fun. I will try it next year!
This game looks a lot of fun! I have to try it during the holiday season!