Getting Ready to Welcome Your New Puppy: 8 Tips for Pet Owners to Be
Welcoming a puppy into your family can be an amazing experience, but it also will undoubtedly be overwhelming and disruptive. You and your family will need to be prepared to see your routine and daily tasks change completely over the next few months.
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels
Introducing a puppy into a family can bring endless benefits that range from improved mood to reduced feelings of loneliness. However, it is necessary to prepare for such an incredible event in the proper way to guarantee a smooth transition – for the puppy and your family alike.
Below you can find a starting point to start making your home more pet-friendly. However, it is always recommendable to speak to a specialist if you are still unsure about what to do. Start with the tips below.
Make Sure Your Home Is Pet-Proofed
The first thing to do in preparation for welcoming a puppy into your home is to dog-proof the premises in the best way you can. If you have never done so before, think of your pet as a baby. You will need to secure doors and windows, and every corner that is too sharp, and potentially, also cover lower electricity sockets.
If you have some lower shelves in your home, make sure they are free of items and substances that can be dangerous for the pet if ingested. You might also consider locking any cabinet that contains chemicals.
Identify the Perfect Personal Space for Your Pet
When preparing your home for your new pet’s arrival, you need to consider that a pet will need space for himself. For this, it is crucial to find a spot that is comfortable, spacious, and safe. You will need to buy a dog bed that is right for your future pet’s size and ensures that any supply – such as crates and toys – can be fitted comfortably.
The perfect place for your pet should not restrict the pet’s movement to a limited portion of the house. Additionally, it is crucial to check that daytime, and nighttime temperatures are equally suitable for your do. This is especially crucial if you are considering an area outside your family’s living space for your dog’s space. You should not set this space up outdoors.
Consider Redesigning the Outdoor Space
Even if the main personal space for your dog is indoors, it is always recommendable to have an outdoor area where your pet can spend time playing around. Puppies, in particular, are energy powerhouses that need constant mental and physical stimulation to remain healthy. As a consequence of too much time spent indoors or without stimuli, you will start to notice destructive behavior. This might come in the form of scratching, biting, or licking surfaces, and it is often a sign that your dog needs space and time to play.
Buy Toys and Props
Once you have redesigned your outdoor space or set up your garden for the dog’s arrival, it is time to invest in all the toys and supplies you need to keep your dog happy for the first weeks. Of course, the toys needed will change according to the dog’s age.
However, it is recommendable to start with some equipment. During the first days of your puppy being in your home, you can expect to be extremely busy looking after him. Having all the supplies and toys ready to go before the puppy gets home can save you time and energy!
Create a Safe Place for the Adjustment Period
No matter how ready you are for your pet, the first days will be hard. This is because your pet will need to adapt to his new life in the new environment, which might take between a few days and a few weeks.
If you have adopted a rescue dog or an older dog, you might require an expert’s guidance to understand what you can do to make the transition easier and smoother. However, in the case of a puppy, you might just decide to create a safe place for your puppy and see what the reactions are.
During the first days, crying is normal – you should expect this. However, it is recommendable to start implementing healthy habits from day one and not bringing the puppy into your own bed. Nonetheless, you should ensure that he is comfortable, enclosed, and safe until he becomes more confident in your home.
Stock Up on Foods and Supplies
Of course, you can always buy all the supplies you need after the puppy has joined your home. However, during the first days, you are guaranteed to be busy looking after the puppy. Instead, buying all the foods, toys, and supplies you need in advance allows you to research the best brands and select the more suitable one for your pet.
Divide Responsibilities Within Your Family
Before your puppy comes, it is crucial to speak to the other family members and understand what the tasks each of them will be taking on are. Of course, introducing a puppy in a household can bring endless joy – but it can also disrupt the family life.
Without agreements in place, it is easy to end up in arguments regarding who is to take the dog out for a walk! Once the pet has joined your household, you can then review these tasks and modify them according to what each member of the family prefers.
Inform Yourself Regarding the Best Vets and Specialists in the Area
Every owner will want their pets to be healthy, strong, and happy. While this is the case for most dogs, it is always important to find a vet you can trust. Indeed, your dog might still need regular check-ups, vaccinations, and health tests.
Finding a vet, professional pet grooming services, and specialized professionals who can deal with fur issues, bad dog breath, and training is crucial. Even in this case, you will always be able to find someone in your town once the dog is with your family. However, researching in advance can help you identify the best professionals in the area who fit your dog’s needs and your budget.