Family-Friendly Pest Control for Your Home & Garden
Who knew that when you moved into your home you would also deal with so many pests moving in with you? I sure didn’t. I had no idea how many little pests would start taking over my home and yard, and that the battle would rage on for years. I have tried so many home remedies and store-bought solutions to manage the three biggest pests in and around my home, with little to no success. I am talking about ants, wasps, and spiders. For the past several years I have been absolutely riddled with the pests that occupy my home, and I hate it.
Finally, I found a solution that WORKS. And it’s as easy as stopping at my nearest Target and purchasing it! The solution I found is Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective pest control products. Maggie’s Farm products are the most effective green and clean family of pest control products on the market. Even though there are so many green products at the store these days, I have had trouble in the past finding green pest control products that work effectively. I need my pest control products to be green because in addition to the pests that I am fighting, my home is filled with kids and animals I love, and absolutely do not want to be harmed by the products I use. Maggie’s Farm products are environmentally-friendly, family-friendly, pet-friendly, and odor-free. It is a better alternative that simply works.
Disclosure: Thank you Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective for sponsoring this post. I have been compensated by the brand. All opinions are mine alone. . #MaggiesFarmPestControl

Just head to Target and look in the seasonal/garden department to locate Maggie’s Farm products!

The three pests that I seem to see over and over again in my home are ants, wasps, and spiders. Maggie’s Farm products have an answer for all these bugs! I use Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective No Spill Ant Killer, Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Home Bug Spray, and Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Wasp & Hornet Killer – all available at Target.

Ants are always getting into our garage, it is both annoying and hard to fight – there are SO MANY of the little bugs! Thankfully, controlling them now is as easy as opening Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective No Spill Ant Killer and setting it out around my garage to control the ant infestation! After using this I quickly noticed the ants were disappearing, and they quickly disappeared all-together! And I love that it leaves no harmful residues!
For our wasp problem, I use Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Wasp & Hornet Killer. Every year we get several wasp nests in our garden beds, under the dirt. It is so easy to control the wasps now by spraying Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Wasp & Hornet Killer directly over their nests. It seriously can take so long to fight the wasps without an effective pest control product, but thankfully Maggie’s Farm effectively kills the wasps fast and it is so easy to use!
And of course, the other pest I deal with regularly is unwanted spiders. When I see a spider crawling around in my house the last thing I want to do it go near it, but I do want it dead. Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Home Bug Spray is safe to use around kids and pets inside your home, even in kitchens! So when I see a spider crawling by me in my home I simply spray it with Maggie’s Farm and the spider is quickly dead. I also spray Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Home Bug Spray around my doors to repel bugs!
Now instead of stressing out all spring and summer because of all the pest problems I know will be bothering me, I simply keep these products on hand and use them as needed. The ants, wasps, and spiders are no longer a big problem for me because I am able to control them quickly and effectively thanks to Maggie’s Farm products!

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Thank you for sharing this. I live in an apartment where you request pest control, theh can take some time before showing up.
Katherine Rose Rivera
You have a perfect assortment of products for pest control. I wish we have Target here in our country. I bet those are nice and effective too.
Jalisa Harris
We just moved to a home with an actual garage so those ant traps are a definite must
Pests are ever unwanted in households and commercial premises. Pests will infest readily and if not controlled in enough time, will continue to wreck havoc reaching high level infestation which may be complex to eliminate completely such as bed bugs….
Bedbugs! These insects invade homes and wreak havoc wherever they will intentionally attack. Effective bed bug control may seem impossible when it comes to a high level stubborn infestation, but there must be light at the end of the tunnel to eliminate these small, pesky pests.
Bed bugs are tricky bugs. When they get into a home or business, they can get into hard to reach locations, not just your beds. These insects can dwell in outlets, wall voids, electronics, behind baseboards and anywhere close to resting and sleeping human sites. They can also be deep inside upholstered furniture or under rugs unsparingly. The trick to beating these hitch hiking, tricky bugs is understanding their habits and habitats.
This looks and sounds great. I am so much more concerned with our home garden now than I used to be because of the pests. So important to have this!
Alexandra Cook
Maggies’s Farm is a must try product. I always wanted to try this at home and I have heard a lot about this before and been looking for this one.
This is what we use! We love it and have had great results!
Awesome family friendly pest control products! It seems that all the bugs come alive in the spring so it’s time to stock up on products to keep them away from our home and plants.
Melanie williams
Wow so many fab products here. This is deffo one for the other half for sure haha xx
Geraline Batarra
Wow, never heard of this pest control before. Been looking for something like this for ages. I think this would really work great.
Oh my goodness, ants and spiders are terrifying and I love target…I am looking forward to trying this out! Will tag you on Instagram to let you know how we love it
pooja Malkani
I guess ants are universal issues for household. I would love to try this one out. I have tried many products but good to know that it works.
I usually use homemade spray (made at home by soaking cinnamon sticks in water while night) and that works for a week but they are again back. Hopefully this helps
We have so many ants in Arizona. That would br great spray!
I’m going to have to give this brand a try. We have those teeny tiny little ants coming into our kitchen right now and their siege must cease before it grows lol.
These are great products but my dad is the pest control guy. I live in a different country (and can’t get those products) but whenever I need help about pests, I call my dad. Actually, that was his job in the Air Force for about 20 years.
Lauren McAdam
Great to have a recommendation of a product that is not only effective but safe for our children and pets. And as easy as heading to your local Target!
Leona Martin
Oh my gosh I can identify with ants and darn spiders as well as centipedes (ooh these are nasty things). We have been looking for something here to get rid of these. I love Target so I will have to grab some of these and try them out.
Amanda @ All Day Active Life
It’s definitely that time of year again! It’s so nice to find something that’s safe for kids and pets as well. These are great options I will have to seek out. Thanks for sharing!
Elease Colcord
Oooh, ants are just the worst in the spring! Helpful to there’s a safe brand that works!
Ashli Ferguson
Oh thank you for this!! I am a die hard dog mom and this information is great for me!
This is amazing! I’ve always wanted to do pest control but was afraid it might poison my cat. Thanks a lot for the tips.
Spiders don’t usually bother me, but I am irrationally terrified of wasps and anything that flies and stings. I won’t even go in the backyard if there’s one flying around. I’ll have to ask my husband if he’s heard of these because he is in charge of all things bug at our house!
Alexis Hoselton
If I could keep plants alive I would invest in this stuff! I love gardening I just don’t have the green thumb, but I will suggest it to my grandmother who plants!