Entertaining Children In The Rain
When the weather is beautiful, dry, and sunny, we can find a whole range of things to do with the children. Go to the beach, have fun at the playground, go for a picnic, or just play basketball outside. But when the weather takes a turn for the worst, as it sometimes does, we can be a little lost on what to do. So here is a list of things you can add to your holiday itinerary when the children aren’t in school, and you need to keep them entertained.
Although we all have Netflix or DVDs these days, there’s nothing quite like sitting in the cinema with plenty of snacks, a bucket of popcorn and a large fizzy drink while watching the newest movie on the big screen, especially if you’re watching a movie with lots of special effects! The sound alone is worth it, as there aren’t many home cinemas with surround sound like they have at the cinema!
Get creative
If you’ve got a blank space on your wall and don’t know what to put there, you could get the paints out! You can get a cheap canvas quickly enough, let the children (whatever their age) go wild, and you might be surprised at the fantastic colourful artwork you end up with. And if you want to add a little direction for the smaller children get the masking tape out too, you could end up with some lovely organised chaos for that empty space!
Board games
Ok so the last time you broke out Monopoly someone threw a tantrum, but the simple games are the best when it comes to family time indoors, how about some Twister? Or a game of Operation? Sometimes the old school games are the best though, so get a pack of cards out and see if you can win against your children at the games you played when you were a child! Another reason for choosing this option is that board games strengthen relationships, and depending on the type of games, it can improve children’s communication and mathematical skills too.
Out of the house
If you manage to exhaust all the opportunities at home, then it’s good to find somewhere to entertain the children outside without getting rained on! How about a magic escape room or bowling? An arcade or just visiting friends? There’s a world of opportunities, but if all else fails you can always take them food shopping with you!
Let’s face it, unless you have electronic devices with unlimited battery life children in 2019 can be a challenge to entertain, but some good old fashioned paper and pencils can really bring everyone back down to earth, whether they have a game of tic tac toe or start a masterpiece it’s excellent for them to have some quiet time without the distraction and noise of a Youtuber for five minutes!