Pop-up Camping,  Travel

Easy DIY Camper Curtains {Pop-Up Camping}

The curtains that came with our camper were anything but cute. So I set out to create some easy DIY bunk-end curtains using some thrifted shower curtains as my base. I am not an expert sewer, in fact I can pretty much only make a straight line or a hem (and very imperfectly at that). So instead of starting from scratch I decided to do a hack and use the old camper curtains hanging strip and combine it with a pair of shower curtains to make this easy DIY possible.

Step 1 – Cut shower curtains in half and sew edges to create new camper curtains

To start you need 2 shower curtains. I was lucky to find these Target curtains at my local thrift store for a bargain, but you can buy them from Target or thrift for a set you like. Once you have shower curtains, you will cut each one in half to create 2 camper curtain panels from each shower curtain. Then you will need to cut the curtains down to size since they will be too long for bunk-end curtains in your camper. Sew the raw edges to complete this step.

  • Find 2 shower curtains you like
  • Cut each curtain in half down the center to create 2 camper curtain panels
  • Lay the old curtains over the new curtains to find the length needed for the new curtains
  • Cut the new curtains at the top to desired length – I added length to my new curtains
  • Sew the raw edges of the curtain panels
  • Your curtain panels are ready for the attachment strip to be added

Step 2 – Attach the slider strip from the old curtains to the new curtain panels

Your old camper curtains will have a slider strip (or some other attachment method) along the top portion of the curtains. We are going to take that strip off of the old curtains and attach it to the new curtains so that the new curtains will be able to attach to the camper.

  • Using your old camper curtains, find the strip that attaches to the camper
  • Cut the strip away from the old curtains
  • You should now have strips like the ones shown in my example
  • Lay the strip over the new curtains along the top, careful to lay on the correct side of the curtains
  • Carefully sew the strip to the top of your new curtains, careful to not sew any curtain ties down
  • Your new curtains should look like the example I provided
  • Trim the excess (if any) from the new curtain strips
  • You should now have 4 curtain panels ready to put in your camper

Step 3 – Hang new curtains in your camper and enjoy!

You could easily do this hack on any camper, not just a pop-up camper. You can also update all the curtains in your camper in addition to the bunk ends using this method. By using an old attachment strip from old camper curtains you can create easy DIY camper curtains in no time!

Happy creating!

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