Don’t Accept Compromise On Your Next Vacation
Taking a vacation can sometimes feel like a roll of the dice. Sure, we’ve read many reviews for a resort or hotel, but we only know what our experience is when we’re there. Thousands of five star reviews might not shield you from the hair you find on your pillow, for example. It could also be that a lack of planning ahead of time can feel like you’ve been somehow impeded when you arrive at the destination, as you are lacking the convenience you might have been interested in, or it might cost you more to find that ahead of time.
A great vacation doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be without worry. It’s important to consider how our time abroad can influence our perspectives. If you’re on an adventure getaway, for example, you’re willing to accept a little risk and physical effort. But it’s accepting compromise that can often leave us feeling a little deflated. But you don’t have to accept this you know, at least within reason. Let us see what that might look like:
Do Not Allow Personal Compromise
If you wish to avoid a sense of compromise when travel, it’s important that you hold the same standards for yourself. Do not allow yourself to falter when traveling. Stay informed, and stay safe. Understand what the entry requirements for a country are, what you might need to declare at customs, and plan for applications ahead of time. Do not expect that things will work out, ensure that they do. If you can do this, then you will avoid jumping into unnecessary hurdles that will only leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed with yourself.
This also means it’s essential to research all matters of your trip efficiently. Ensure that you read reviews for the hotel or destination you wish to use or experience. Read up on traffic and weather reports. Ensure that you stay informed of things happening at large in that country. When you do this, you can avoid the need for personal compromise. This can help in the little things. For example, if you failed to read your room booking that clearly outlines your room will not be available to 4pm, and you arrive at 11am shocked that you need to fill those hours before you can unpack, you have done yourself a disservice.
Travel Companion
It can sometimes be that we travel with someone because they are the ‘expected pick,’ or because you are trying to bond. But it can often be a nightmare to travel with someone you aren’t completely on the same page with. For example, relational difficulties won’t be magically solved on vacation – in fact, this effort will often strain them. For that reason, it is very important that you pay the correct respect due to your plans and arrange them with the right person.
Poor Service
Now we have focused on the personal issues that could prevent us from enjoying our vacation, it’s important to consider the exterior matters that could prove to be a problem. Poor service can be part of that. It might be that your hotel place you in the wrong room, or do not clean the room before you enter. It might be that your package vacation mis-sold you on what you would actually receive. This is why it’s so important to keep solid documentation of everything with you, so you can dispute claims, and potentially gain a better experience while you’re over there, and potentially fight for your money back.
Do not accept poor service just because of convenience. If you feel you are being taken advantage of, it’s essential to mention it, and then pursue that through the correct channels. This might mean you need to argue your experience with a service like AirBNB. If you can do that, then you will be much more understanding about what your needs really are.
Don’t Fall Into The Trap
We can often fall into a trap of convenience and ease when abroad. We might choose the closest hotel, the easiest vacation packages or cruises, or something that we needn’t think much about at all. This isn’t necessarily wrong, but it can rob you of a range of wonderful experiences that you might truly enjoy. Put simply, don’t let your need for convenience compromise you, but also don’t accept a lower-par experience simply because you want your options open.
For example, it might be that you love the idea of traveling through a road trip, or staying at a campsite near to a beautiful beach location. However, you absolutely hate the idea of camping itself. This is where investing in a middle-ground such as searching for tiny travel trailers can help you gain the amenities you want while also experiencing the best of your alternative travel experience.
If you can do this, then you can feel much more sustained and comfortable while experiencing something new. This form of coming to the best arrangement possible helps you avoid the compromise you might have not wanted to make in either direction. There is always an option best for you, so never be afraid to look for it diligently.
Define Your Purpose
It can be important to define your purpose, even if just for one vacation. For example, it might be that you’ve always wanted to take a hiking vacation somewhere beautiful, such as through the hills of Sicily. However, due to the democratized approach to activity-setting that comes when bringing in members of your family who are all various ages, you can find that while over there, you are only able to experience your purpose during one of the mornings you had planned. Don’t be afraid to take a targeted vacation to a destination you feel interested in. Define your purpose. Define who comes with you. Sometimes, a singular approach can help you get the experience you want, especially if you’re paying for it. You shouldn’t feel bad about that.
With this advice, we hope you’re much better able to experience the vacation you most want to.

One Comment
Wendy Polisi
I’m a huge planner when it comes to trips. Many people tell me to lighten up but, I feel this better prepares me to enjoy myself and I stick to what I feel is best.