Bookroo {Children’s books delivered to your doorstep}
Here’s a look at our first month’s box and my honest review:
Ashlyn was so excited when she found the box on the porch for her – it was even addressed directly to her! She brought the box straight to her bedroom since that is where we have story time each night. She put her new favorite custom doll from Sew Stinkin Cute Shoppe right next to her (she always has story time with at least one doll) and was immediately ready to open her box.
When she opened the box the excitement continued when she happily discovered that each book was individually wrapped! Let the surprise continue!
Oh but which to open first?
Time to open them up and see what is inside!
The first book is “Land Shark” by, Beth Ferry.
Ashlyn flipped through the book and was immediately interested by the bright colors and, of course, the sharks.
The story cleverly tells of a boy who wants only a shark for his birthday and quickly finds dissapointment when instead his parents bring him home a puppy. Eventually, through a series of naughty puppy behavior and mischief, the boy learns that puppies aren’t as innocent and cuddly as he first thought. In the end he decides that a puppy is a little more like a shark than he first thought and falls in love with his puppy. The story is not only clever, unique, and fun, but it also delivers a valuable lesson to children about not judging a book by its cover. We both really enjoyed this story!
Ashlyn loved the first book so much she couldn’t wait much longer for the next one!
The second book is “Rock-A-Bye Room” by, Susan Meyers.
A spin on the traditional Rock-A-Bye Baby nursery rhyme, this rhyming story gently rocks all the toys and items in a child’s bedroom to sleep. The illustrations are soft and whimsical, making this a perfect bedtime story. My daughter loves the classic nursery rhyme, so when I read (gently sang) this story to her, she fell right in love with it as well and asked if we could read it again at bedtime as we tuck all her toys into bed. What a wonderful book!
Ashlyn was enjoying the books so much I couldn’t help but sneak a photo of her little doll while she was entertained.
After we finished reading the stories Ashlyn kissed her doll goodnight like she does every night at story time. I just love Ashlyn’s big heart! (P.S. Ashlyn is also always wearing a bow from our favorite bow shop Lady Eleanor Co – and I have a discount code posted below).
Overall, I would definitely recommend this subscription box! Ashlyn loved both books and I am absolutely amazed at the uniqueness and interest both of these books brought to our collection. I don’t think I would have ever found these hidden gems on my own and I am grateful to have them selected and sent to us to enjoy. We are both super eager for next months box! It is so exciting for us both- Ashlyn getting to open new carefully wrapped books each month – and I don’t have to spend what little free time I have searching high and low for a new story to share with my child during our special nightly story time.
We definitely found a new favorite subscription box and will be renewing! If your family enjoys story time give bookroo a try! You can select from the Picture Books Box (which we selected) or the Board Books Box, recommended for children under 2, for just around $20 a month. And pssst! If you do sign up, you will save 15% by clicking any of the links on this post! Score!
Bow {Lady Eleanor Co} use code ASHLYN15
Doll {Sew Stinkin Cute Shoppe}
Books {bookroo}