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Avoiding The Most Common Rainwater Issue At Home

A rainy day can feel like the perfect weather for a cup of hot cocoa and a pair of cozy socks. Imagine staying at home under a warm blanket while you listen to the tip tap of the raindrops against the windows. It is such a sensation of comfort and peace! 

Most people tend to worry about roof leaks when it’s raining. So you might think yourself safe if you can’t spot any water dripping inside. However, the most commonly ignored rainwater issue has nothing to do with your roof. Indeed, did you know that water can find many other ways to affect your home comfort? If you’re going to spend a lovely afternoon listening to the rain, it’s time to check that your home structure is rainproof. 

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#1. Your backyard isn’t equipped to handle rainfall

A muddy backyard is an eyesore on a rainy day. You want to see lush vegetation rather than dirty puddles. But more than being unpleasant to look at, a muddy backyard encourages stagnant water to accumulate around the foundations of your home. The water could infiltrate your structure in the long term, finding its way into your basement or through the side walls. The result? A cold home! There could be a variety of reasons why the soil can’t absorb water. Perhaps, your backyard soil is too packed or dry. Perhaps, you’ve got too many rocks underneath the surface. But an easy way to address the situation is to transform the backyard with a deck and patio combo that can control water drainage. Your backyard becomes a functional space that doesn’t put your house at risk anymore! 

#2. The basement has too much humidity

An unfinished basement is likely to let humidity through in a way or another. Unlike the rest of your home, the basement is not a space that is insulated. Unless you proceed with a basement remodeling project, you will likely notice a significant drop in temperature. Why does it happen? 

The basement may not receive any direct warmth from the sun, which makes it feel colder in the first place. Additionally, the lack of insulation aggravates the issue and encourages moisture present in the soil to infiltrate. If you live in an area with heavy rainfalls, you may even experience some flooding in the basement. Therefore, it’s a good idea to reach out to professionals for basements waterproofing solutions that can protect your home. Waterproofing and insulating the basement can keep your home warm and cozy!

#3. You’ve got a porous concrete foundation

Porous concrete is a surprisingly common issue that can affect any home. It happens when the materials were not appropriately mixed as part of the building process. Porous concrete can compromise the stability and insulation of the home. For a start, it is likely to let stagnant water through, both at the wall and basement levels. More importantly, it can also drive the temperature down on a rainy down as the humidity in the air can increase dramatically. 

Rain infiltration is a common issue in fall and winter. Contrary to common beliefs, it’s more likely to occur in the walls and basement than on the roof! Looking after your backyard, basement, and exterior walls can make sure your home stays warm and cozy on a rainy day. Now all you need to enjoy the rainy afternoon is a recipe for the perfect hot cocoa! 

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