A Guide to Finding Fish at Lake Venues

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If you are planning to try your luck fishing at an unknown lake venue, there is indeed much to consider. Fishing at a strange venue offers many challenges, not least actually finding the fish, and the larger the lake, the more difficult this is. Of course, you could consult with a local angler, if there’sone around, but failing that, here are a few tips from the pros on how to locate fish in a lake of unknown quantity.
Look for Cloudy Water
Muddy water usually contains a lot of nutrients, which would naturally attract the smaller fish, which, in turn, attracts the predators. There are many things to take into account when looking at a new still water venue, and currents cause water to become cloudy and the fish are never far away from moving water.
Water Temperature
In the summer, the fish are likely to be in the deeper water, while in the winter, the opposite might be the case. Fish are very finnicky when it comes to feeding and just a temperature change of a couple of degrees could spark the fish into feeding. Of course, you do want to have the best equipment, and with top class GT rods from Fish Head, you can be sure to land that monster fish when it takes your bait.
It is well known that most fish to not like direct sunlight, so look for shade created by drooping trees – running a lure along the edge of a shaded section often produces results – and if you are wearing polarised sunglasses, you might be able to see Bass just under the surface, waiting for prey to swim past. It is always best to spend a few minutes looking at the water, rather than simply choosing a swim that looks OK, and look for fish movement on the surface, the wind and alsothe movement of the water.
Finding the Natural Current
Every water has a natural current, which is typically a circular motion, and this takes natural food with it and if you can find the area where the nutrients are most concentrated, that’s where the majority of fish are likely to be. There are some great YouTube videos where experts take you through the process of choosing a swim from which to fish and these can be invaluable when looking for the best place to cast your line.

Image Source: Freepik
There are fish-finding digital devices for those who want to get the edge, but ask any old fisherman and they will tell you a few ways that you can read nature and find the best fishing spot. If you learn how to read the various natural patterns and understand what conditions are conducive to fish feeding, and with experience comes new knowledge. If you arrive at a new lake and there’s is a local fishing, you can get all the local knowledge from them, which should help you to catch some fish.