5 Great Games To Play With Your Kids
Image by Daniela Dimitrova from Pixabay
Playing games and having fun isn’t just for the kids you know, one of the benefits of being a mom is that you’re able to act like a big kid sometime and playing with your kids is one of the best ways to spend time with your offspring. You should also make the most of the time they actually want you to play with them because before long they’ll be growing up and far less interested in spending time with you as they’ll have their own lives to lead.
If you’re stuck for ideas for games or you can’t quite keep up with trying to understand what game you’re supposed to be playing as they keep changing the rules, then take a look at this list to see what fun you could be having all together.
Water limbo
In the summer and on a hot day, nothing beats water sports. So, while a water balloon fight or water pistols are great fun, have you ever tried water limbo? All you need is a hosepipe, and a nozzle that means your water stays in a steady, straight stream. You should use the stream of water as a limbo stick, and everyone has to bend their knees bent and arch their backs and attempt to get under the stream of water without getting wet. Take it in turns, and each time you’ve all had a go, lower the water stream until you reach a point where no one can get underneath without getting soaked. Make sure that the ground isn’t too slippy for the kids to safely get under the water, so if you need to, place rubber matting on the ground beneath the stream to provide traction for feet, and a cushion in case anyone falls.
Towel Toss
It’s just like a normal game of catch, but with a difference. For this game, you need four people, two towels (big ones) and a ball. Pair up, and each pair needs to hold an open towel between them. Then you want to try and toss and catch a lightweight ball from towel to towel and count how many times you can toss the ball back and forth before it hits the ground.
Bubble Party
Throw a bubble party in your backyard. Grab some bubble mix, or make your own and some bubble wands made from straws, cups, fly swatters, badminton racquets or try anything else you can think of to give you huge bubbles.
Make Your Own Band
While you could just go and get some actual musical instruments, you could also make your own using everyday items such as pots, pans, pipes, plastic cups, etc. Then enjoy a jam session and make a band and have your own family concert.
Hide And Seek
It’s a classic, but you’re never too old to play a good game of hide and seek. Kids love hiding, and they also love seeking and while they might be able to fit into smaller places, you will find better places to hide and not go to the same place each time, so you’re bound to win this one!