4 Ways To Reward Yourself
We all live incredibly busy lives – work and family commitments. It can mean that we can end up feeling overwhelmed and burned out if we are not careful, so it is important to take your foot off the pedal now and then and take stock of what you have achieved to date. Rewarding ourselves is an integral part of maintaining good mental health,
Every now and then it’s important to take your foot off the pedal, take stock of your achievements – or even your progress towards them – and reward yourself.
1) Do Something That You Enjoy
One of the best ways of rewarding yourself is to do something that you enjoy. This can be something as grand as going on a dream, once in a lifetime holiday, or it can be something as simple as visiting a pop-up museum that catches your interest. It does not even have to involve leaving the house – running a deep, hot bubble bath and relaxing with a face mask can sometimes be all that you need!
2) Eat well
One of the best ways to reward ourselves in the long term is by treating our body with the respect that it deserves. We all too often run in from work and throw some convenience food in the oven, or order a take-out because we are just too tired even to contemplate cooking a healthy meal. While this certainly will not harm once in a while, doing it every night will make you feel lethargic and not at your very best. When you have some spare time, perhaps on the weekend, bulk cook some healthy meals and stick them in the freezer. When you get home from a long day at work, pull them out and pop them in the oven for a healthy ready meal! Try to include at least five portions of fruit and vegetables in your diet every day and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. It all sounds very dull, but your body will thank you in the long run.
3) Spend time with the people that you love
One of the best ways to reward ourselves and maintain good mental health is to surround ourselves with people that make us happy. Busy work schedules mean that quality time with family and friends is often pushed aside, with us grabbing snippets over a quick meal or in passing. Make some time regularly to spend time with those people that you love – sit down and enjoy a good meal together, turn off the TV and your cell phone and really enjoy quality time with one another.
4) Be Your Own Cheerleader
How can you expect other people to be proud of you and your achievements if you aren’t proud of them yourself? No matter how big or small your accomplishments – whether you have had a massive promotion at work or whether you managed to get all the kids out of the house and to school on time, shout about them!