4 Tips To Avoid Water Damage In Your Kitchen
Renovating a kitchen is expensive, which is why it’s important that you look after it properly. But your kitchen gets a lot of wear and tear so that’s often easier said than done. Water damage is one of the things that you really need to watch out for because it can cause you a lot of expensive problems. Unfortunately, it’s quite common in kitchens because you spend a lot of time in there washing up and cooking, and you have appliances like dishwashers and washing machines in there as well. But if you follow these simple tips, you can avoid issues with water damage in your kitchen.
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Paint Under The Sink
Most people don’t bother painting under the sink because you never see it anyway, but it may be a good idea. If you have any leaks from the tap, even a small drip, it will soak right into the wood and over time, cause a lot of damage. But if you put a few coats of paint on there, you give it an added layer of protection. You should also repaint the outside with a water resistant paint as well. It won’t stop damage from serious leaks, but it will stop wood from rotting if it gets a few drips on it.
Keep An Eye On Appliances
The biggest sources of water damage in the kitchen are the dishwasher and washing machine, so you need to keep an eye on them. Check the pipes at the back for any leaks and if you spot any, call in a washer repair company to sort it right away. Even if it is just a tiny amount of water, it’s only going to get worse so it’s best to deal with it now. You need to keep up with general maintenance like emptying the filter on the dishwasher as well. It will extend the lifespan of the appliances and reduce the chance of any problems that will lead to water damage.
Clean The Kitchen Right Away
Water damage in the kitchen often happens because people let water and other liquids sit instead of wiping them up. But if you keep the kitchen clean and always do it soon after cooking, you should be able to avoid problems. If you let water sit on the countertop, for example, it may start to seep in and cause damage. If the seals around the edge are weakened, that will cause a lot of issues. But if you simply wipe up any spills straight away, you can solve that problem easily.
Get Rid Of Steam
People assume that ventilators are only there to get rid of smoke and smells from cooking, but they’re also very important for getting rid of steam. Steam is a big problem, especially in a small kitchen because it settles on surfaces and starts to seep in, making them damp. Always make sure to run the fan in the kitchen and when the weather is warm, keep a window open. This will get rid of steam before it settles and avoid any damp problems.
Conserving water
While we’re on the subject of water in the kitchen, it’s worth considering a few of the ways that you can conserve water and go green. Firstly, consider using water-saving appliances in your kitchen. You could try eco-taps that restrict the water flow, or energy-star certified dishwashers. To help you monitor the overall water usage in your home, check out apps such as DropCountr.
Conserving water isn’t the only way to go-green in your kitchen, so don’t stop there! Try choosing energy efficient light companies; composting your food waste; and using green-cleaning products.
These are some of the easiest ways that you can avoid water damage in your kitchen and make it last longer.