3 Tips for Fun Lockdown Family Parties
Image Courtesy of Pixabay
While we are all trying our best to combat Covid-19 by staying away from other families as much as humanly possible, time is still passing by and holiday traditions, birthdays and other special occasions are still on the calendar.
It might not be possible to invite everyone over to celebrate but we can still have fun with our own family in our own homes during this time of crisis.
While it might not be the glamorous occasion it should be, there are some simple tricks you can do to make the most of a lockdown celebration:
- Go nuts with lights
- Dance and play
- Simple food
The correct lighting can elevate any occasion while dancing and playing is what it’s all about. But for the adults and kids alike some simple food and snacks keep you going all night if need be.
Set the Mood
Complementing some simple celebration decor with lighting to suit the occasion can go a really long way in making an event special. You may still have a teenager with a special birthday such as 16 or a toddler coming up to 5, so digging around the attic for some lights might just be what the occasion needs.
Using the correct lights should be of concern, as a toddler won’t appreciate low white mood lighting and a 16-year-old girl won’t be too keen on bright and flashy rainbow lights that might have been fine in her unicorn phase a couple of years ago.
When you do find the right lights though remember to switch some of the main lights off in the party area or the mood lighting won’t really have an impact but don’t switch off all of them or you might find it too dark. Play around and try to find a good balance of lighting. It might not be as amazing as one of the local party rooms for rent, but they can always be kept in mind for when the pandemic is over.
It’s All About Having Fun
Parties and celebrations are all about having fun, and while it might be easy to have fun with kids, some older children such as teenagers grow out of some of the things they found fun maybe just a year ago. Toddlers and younger children will probably be fine with playing silly games but a teen just might not be feeling it.
Classic games such as ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’ are excellent time fillers for the little ones and preparing rewards such as candy bags or small gifts will make them want to play even more. On the other hand, older kids might appreciate a more intimate setting with storytelling or even joining them on their favorite video games.
Traditional and Simple
When it comes to celebrations though, most people really look forward to the food and while you might not be able to order an amazing cake or go to the lengths that you usually would, there are simple party foods you can make even with limited resources.
Even in the worst-hit areas of the pandemic, supermarkets and food stores are still open so you can make a lot of things yourself even though outside catering might be off-limits at the moment. Birthday cakes can also be bought premade from most supermarkets and although they will never compare to a freshly prepared made-to-order one, they can still add to the special day.
Older kids might not even want party food and many are happy to sit with their family and watch a favorite movie with a pizza which can be a great tradition at Christmas when all the best festive movies are on TV.