A Montessori Inspired Kid’s Bedroom with Toy Storage and Organization Tips
Our kids bedrooms have undergone so many transformations, from a shared batman and unicorn bedroom, to creating an organized playroom for the kids, to finally giving all the children their own rooms including a batman nursery for our youngest. After building a DIY house bed for Arlo, I reorganized his bedroom and created a Montessori inspired kid’s bedroom for him with lots of toy organization and storage. By creating a Montessori style organized kid’s bedroom I can keep the space tidy and clean yet fun and entertaining for his active imagination. Take a look at Arlo’s Montessori inspired kid’s bedroom and my toy storage and organization tips to keep the space tidy!
First, we built Arlo a DIY Montessori toddler house bed. This space is great because the bed is toddler level, he can easily get on and off his own bed and feel more comfortable using it since he can reach everything easily.
The bedding is a cool all-in-one zipper set from Beddy’s – All he has to do to use it is zip the blanket open and closed. This is the best bed set I have found for keeping a toddlers bedroom tidy and organized.

The wall behind Arlo’s bed is where I like to put some of my favorite monochrome decor and things I collected for him as a baby. The bookshelves are just deep enough to hold these items. I have also hung some cool monochrome and batman themed shelves and items!

At the end of his DIY Montessori house bed is a small book shelf with some decorative pillows and a wall of toddler books. This whole corner of Arlo’s toddler bedroom us cozy, decorative, and tidy.

The other side of Arlo’s toddler bedroom is where his toys are organized with various shelves and cubbies and bins. I try to keep things very separated and organized so that it is easy to clean up at the end of playtime. Also, I moved some of the decor around before photographing the other side of the room so you will see some of the same items displayed in a couple different ways to give you some decor inspiration.
Everything has a place, so it is easy for Arlo to see where it goes and help keep his room tidy and organized. Using lots of bins and shelves that are an accessible height for toddlers is key. They need to be able to reach their toys – this makes it very easy for them to play with the toy they are looking for, as well as put it away when they are done. To center this space as the play area, I found a large monochrome play rug. The toys surround the rug on their shelves and in their bins, and the rug act as a designated play space in the room.

The taller shelf here holds Arlo’s larger toys and a few of his favorite books. Everything is spaced and showing so that he will not have to dig for the toy he needs. He can easily see and find whatever toy he is looking for. This also keep the shelf looking tidy and clean, and keeps it organized so it is easy to clean up after playtime. I placed a small open wooden bin here with his small superhero figurines.

And because I love Montessori toys, most of Arlo’s toys are wooden and/or are designed to inspire imaginative, open play, like these large vehicles from green toys, stackable cubes, tool bench.

The shorter shelf works well to hold bins of smaller toys, organized by theme. A bin of cars, a bin of dinosaurs, a bin of wooden blocks, and a bin of LEGO duplo’s. And on top of this shelf, you can either leave it open as a play space, or put oversized toys such as castles and playhouses, or put other decorative items on it. The key is to keep it simple, and to keep the bins very organized by theme so that it is easy to put away the toys when your child is done playing.

On the other side is Arlo’s wooden tool bench. You could also have a play kitchen or other larger toy in your play space. I try to limit it to just one or two large toys so the space isn’t overrun by too many toys.
The color of this bedroom is Valspar – Comet Dust.
I hope you enjoyed the tour of Arlo’s Montessori inspired kid’s bedroom and my toy organization and storage tips!

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*Many of the organizational items in Arlo’s room were purchased from my local Ikea and Target, and the custom “Arlo” items were purchased from various Etsy shops. I have found similar items for you below that can be purchased online.
ARLO monochrome blocks – Lilly Pilly Arts

Terrie Tipler
Any young boy would love this room. Love the style you placed in the room.
OMG, this room is so cute! I love it, and it can go from kids to college dorm.
Fatima Torres
I love the color scheme you shared in this. LEGO products are always a hit with kids.
This is a complete description of WOW!!!
The layout is very cool and the setting is really perfect for a small child. I might need to change my sons room now!
Neely Moldovan
I love these! My son goes to a Montessori school and we have slowly tried to ONLY have Montessori toys in our house.
This room is so simple yet so cute for a little boy!
Love the black and white theme! Seriously how is the room so organized!! My kiddo’s rooms are all mis matched! Ha Ha
Papa jack
Wow, these are great ideas. The little house design is awesome for me. We are also checking some Montessori ideas and this is super awesome since we have 3-year-old toddler.
Krysten Quiles
This is DARLING. I’m going to share this with my brother, I feel like this would be great for my nephew.
What great items and ideas for moms out there who are looking to reorganize their kids’ rooms! Such an inspiring post!
I super love what you did to the room, everything looks so organized, so amazing!!! I need to do a lot more to organize our room tbh.
Marie Phillips
I love Montessori! And making the room feel like the living classroom is perfect! Great job! I bet Arlo loves it!!!
Love this color palette. Easy to look clean! The little bookshelves for a book nook are just perfect, too.
Oh my I love all of these fab ideas! And such awesome products! I wish my kids were still young…
Iva Tomic
Love all hose ideas. And I am in love with that bed.